Could it be hard work pays off

Package refused by Steve Harvey


        On September 10, 2012.  We mailed a single video of a documentary we made about mentoring the youth to Steve Harvey since he is big with working with kids.  A few weeks later the package was returned the same way it left.  To our astonishment it was sent back as "return to sender" because his team unfortunately refused the package because they didn't know who we were.  Boy o boy did that hurt.  It felt like we did all that work and no one would ever really see it.  We didn't care though, we stayed true to our mission of helping others because it feels good.  A year and half later we met Steve Harvey and actually presented him with a watch to honor his accomplishments.  We were able to meet him by not giving up in our mission and individuals seeing the promise in our brand.  We posted this because a lot of times you don't see the struggle of a brand.  You don't see the ups and downs. You only see  brands that have made it.  Well we want to take you through the bitter and sweet we have encountered.  We know who is loyal to the brand and wants to see us grow and we appreciate all of you for that.  When we really grow to reach our full potential.  Our most loyal followers will be getting something nice in the mail or free tickets to whatever event we put on.

     I honestly just shed some tears thinking how far we have come from two years ago, the allies created, the friends lost.  This game of life is real and if you can't manage your emotions and stay focused, you will never succeed.  Let us know if you need help with something.


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